Sale category PRO extension for Magento 2

Selling different kinds of products always involves risks. Many factors influence the instability of sales. As owners and leaders of online businesses, our task is to minimize possible losses and work as efficiently as possible to make profit. One of the most effective method used by all online stores, without exception, is to assign a special price to the products. It may be the sale of old goods, various promotions, holiday discounts, etc.

Indeed, shifting prices for the range of goods makes the store more lively. Periodic and, at the same time, regular price changes attract buyers. Sales encourage them to monitor possible advantageous offers from you and visit the website repeatedly. As a result, your online store's traffic increases, and more products and numerous advertisements come to visitors' attention.

There're many benefits! But what about the price change process backend in Magento 2 website?

The Magento 2 platform has one of the handiest configuration panels for managing an online store. However, constant manual management of sales lists can be challenging for any admin, even if they have strong motivation and experience. Handpicking store products, sorting and adding, or removing, them from the catalog of special prices is a tedious, exhausting process that takes more time than it could. Moreover, the manager can do only one action at a time, and different human errors are inevitable. Sometimes untimely withdrawal of products from the sale campaign can cause significant funds losses.

And what if we'll give you now a complete solution? Our module for Magento 2 can automatically add or remove products from the sale category! The Sale Category PRO extension will help you get rid of manual intervention. Adjusting the work of our extension is reduced to three simple steps:

  1. Choose the product.
  2. Set a special price.
  3. Click the "Save" button.

The selected product will automatically appear in the sales category, and the extension will monitor the duration of the special price and the placement of these products in the correct tags! In the configuration panel of the Sale Category PRO module, the admin can configure other beneficial automatic actions. Let's give an in-depth examination.

Sale Category PRO mini

Key features of Sale Category PRO extension

Add or remove products automatically with a currently active "special price." After the product's sale expires, the extension will remove it from the sale category. The admin needs to set up a date when the sale ends in the configuration panel.

If the special price is lower than the regular price, the extension automatically adds products into the Sale Category.

Database renews all sale categories daily by cron, or you can regenerate products from the configuration panel. A list of products in Sale Category PRO will renew automatically or manually by clicking the button for restoring products.

Sometimes it's necessary to set the specific product first in searching for products whether it has a special price or not. We drew our attention to this aspect too. The admin can set up the predefined products. In other words, no matter whether a selected product has a special price or not - the extension will show specified products first and other products will follow. Similarly, if a product is out of stock, without an image, or has another distinction, the admin can configure not to show it.

A customer can find a product quickly and easily, because in Sale Category PRO are shown shopping options. Also, this extension has an effortless configuration. Of course, using the extension settings requires no specific programming knowledge.

Sale Category PRO extension with features

General configuration

Select "yes" in the Enabled dropdown list to enable the extension. After deactivating the module, the current category writes off all the selected products.

Select the sale category from the Sale Category list. After deactivating the module - the current category unsubscribes all the selected products.

If you don't want to show the products that are out of stock, select "No" in the Display Out of Stock Products dropdown list.

If you want to display products with images, select "yes" in the Display Products Only With Images dropdown list.

Sale Category PRO general configuration

Select "Yes" in the Show Catalog Price Rule Product dropdown list to enable this option.

You should type the SKU number of predefined products in the Products field.

The extension will show products whether they have a special price or not; they become predefined. Those products will be offered first, whatever else is done. To select predefined products from the list, you should click "Show Grid."

If you want to regenerate products, click the "Run" button. Similarly, cron renews products once a day.

Sale Category PRO general configuration 2

To select predefined products from the list, click "Show Grid" and select "Products" and products will automatically appear in the "Products" field.

Show Grid

Go to Categories -> Sale PRO to view products in Sale Category PRO.

To view products, click "Products in Category."

Test Sale PRO

The products with position "1" are called predefined. Those are always shown first in the Sale Category PRO, and it doesn't matter whether those products have a special price or not.

Product in Category


The first two products don't have a special price but are predefined, so they appear first in the list. In Sale Category PRO all the p[roducts are physical, so Shopping Options appear in this category, and customers can easily find a product with the help of shopping filters.

Sale Category PRO Examples

Catalog Price Rule Products

In addition to all previous features, the extension Sale Category PRO allows products to show in the catalog price rule. The admin can enable this option in the configuration panel. It would be best if you wrote everything right in the catalog price rule, and the products will be shown in the sale category.

In the example, we've created a Catalog Price Rules, enabling the option "Show Catalog Price Rules." Now, those products are shown in Sale Category PRO, which is mentioned in the rule's conditions. In this example, we've indicated category 4 as the conditions of the rule. It shows “gear bags”, so in the Sale Category PRO will be shown the products from the “gear” category.

Showing Catalog Price Rule Products

The result of option "Show Catalog Price Rule Products" on the store page:

Result Test Sale PRO

Imagine how much time you can save if the extension Sale Category PRO will cope with hundreds of products needed to be added/removed to/from the sale category! You don't need to configure it manually anymore, because everything will be done automatically. Install this excellent extension and save hours, making the store more configurable and automized.