How to Design an Online Store Website. Mageside experience

Customers are precious to any company. Everything should satisfy them. You are to offer your clients comfort, convenience, and excellent service. Each company tries its best to show the customer its safety, enhance functionality and comfortability which it has over all its competitors. To create such an impression on the customer a lot of aspects should take note of when conducting business.

Every customer may be unique in their taste, but your goal is to attract as many of them as possible. It means that to please a lot of time, you will have to analyze your audience. The average age group, racial and cultural affiliation, coverage countries and their possible interests and preferences will all come into play. In fact, by doing this, you will be able to personalize your pages to make it easier for users.

In the article "Why Online Business Branding is important" is a complete analysis of the character of the site required to provide comfort for your clients. However, we can share an example of how our style was created.

In Mageside Logocreating our name “Mageside,” we put in a lot of good work to portray our values, business vision and business relationships with our clients. Initially, when we were rebranding our site, we consulted a specialist who helped to pinpoint the importance of our logo. You can read more information about creation of our logo and tips about how to make qualitatively logo for your web store here:

Since we are involved in the development which involves Magento and Magento 2, there was no doubt about the name. Mageside can easily be understood and provide more information on our direction. We are a group collaborating with Magento, developing modules for it, providing customer support and accomplishing projects of customers.

Mageside website

How to design an online store website we know because of the experience. We chose the primary colors of our site to be white, gray and bright orange. On our main page, the designer provided brief info on our identity. Our name and logo are in the left corner. After locating all branded emblems of our clients, this is a list of the latest plugin which Magento and Magento 2 utilizes. Beneath that information, there are specific arguments on why clients should work with us and understand our goals during work.

Mageside website top panel

There are five main sections located on the top panel namely: MAGESIDE, MAGENTO 1, MAGENTO 2, CONTACTS, ABOUT US and BLOG. On all these pages, there is a concise style utilizing a similar color range. All the elements are on the white background, which shifts attention to the information. We use uppercase letters in a brilliant orange color to attract attention. On the last part of the page, there is always information about the company, contact information, links to social media and certificates. The page for each module is designed for simplicity and convenience. There is a logo of the plug-in, a name, a brief description, basic features, and the price. Here is a list of the following tabs that contain: SCREENSHOTS, DEMO, DESCRIPTION, DOCUMENTATION, and REVIEWS.

Our specialist made the logo development for three months, and the motive was to create a logotype layout for new and old modules. Take note that creates a single logo for a module takes about 1-2 weeks by following the existing system. Redesigning the blog took about a week. Generally, two experience designers worked on the blog and their time and efforts paid off. Since the redesign of our website, there has been a spike in the number of sales and activities on the site.

Based Flowerson the fact that a lot of visitors visited the About Us page, we did our best to optimize this page and create a video of our daily lives and pass the atmosphere that the team is all about. This video created a professional. He managed to ensure credibility and ensured reality in the video. We are not superheroes (it is not for sure), but we approach every task with seriousness, share knowledge and continuously develop and support each other.

We are pleased to create top-quality content and even feel better to be able to present it at a reasonable level. Welcome to our world displayed on our website.


Avoid concentrating too much on fashion trends. Instead, create something unique and personalized. It may take a lot of time, investments in specialist and a lot of time. However, your website is a representative of the company. Since you cannot control the atmosphere around your site visitors, you have to utilize everything to attract their attention. Attract your site customers by using the power of design and functionality and make them immersed in your business. Provide them with an aesthetic pleasure from viewing the site and enjoying the shopping.