Magento 2 Promotion Message: Application of the win-win tactic

One of the most important parts of an e-commerce business is the finding of ways to attract new customers. It does not matter if the budget is tight or not, it is important for any website to keep on receiving traffic to its pages. Due to this, a lot of brands setup different promotional events and sales. Promotional products are instruments which influence the action of users. As a result of the promotional products, these customers tend to become an important part of your business, making use of your discounts and promotions. The success of any promotional message is dependent on the way it is announced. That is, if you are considering creating a new and attractive proposal, you need to decide on how to pass the message across to your customers in the most efficient way.

One of the most effective methods is to leave special offer banner or hot deals banner on the page of your Web Store. In recent times, banner advertising has become increasingly popular due to its convenience and versatility. The use of Promotion Message extension for Magento 2 as your promo manager, will afford you the opportunity to increase your average order value due to the regular reminders for your customers on the special offers. Our easy banner maker allows you create unique banner promotion design. Banner promotions are designed to appear regularly with the maximum understandable content available. Messages promotional banners take mere seconds for buyers to notice and understand them, and this is a very important feature of any promotional banners.

People don’t buy for logical reasons, they buy for emotional reasons.” Zig Ziglar

The first thing to remember is that people don’t shop for the fun of it, but they wish to enjoy a benefit that the product offers. You could divide your audience into different target groups and create different promotional events and proposals to each group. In this manner, you will be able to pass your message to them politely with the use of banner advertising or via email. Therefore, if you have decided to create messages, you can make use of our promo manager for Magento 2 – Promotion Message and create your HTML banner for your different promotional events.

The most important features of Promotion Message extension are:

  • The ability of easy configuration of promotional messages with unique content for each customer's shopping cart
  • The possibility of adding promotional messages to any store page and place
  • The total control made available by the admin panel

Moreover, customizing this extension is very easy. You only need to follow the steps listed below:

  1. The first step is to enable the Promotion Message module by selecting “yes”.
  2. Enable Module list box

  3. The next step for you is to create a new promotional message by clicking “Add New Promotion Message”.
  4. Add New Promotion Message button

  5. Then complete all the required fields.
  6. General Details fields

    Let's take a look at these details:

    Name – fill in the name of promotional message name.

    Name field

    Description - type its description if required.

    Description field

    Active - activate your promotional message.

    Activation toggle

    Websites - select websites where you want to show your promotional message.

    Websites list box

    Customer Groups - select customer groups for a promotional message.

    Customer Groups list box

    Choose the period in which the promotional message will be active.

    Date and Time picker

    Priority - type the priority of the promotional message.

    Priority field

  7. After completing all the general information boxes, add conditions to your special offer banner.
  8. Conditions for Promotion Message

  9. The next step is to create the HTML banner content version of your promotional message by making use of HTML code. For that purpose, you will be provided with five Content Version boxes below.
  10. Promotion Message HTML content version

Note: Here are possible variables for a content version of your HTML banner content:

Possible variables for content version


In order to see view an already setup promotional message on the page of your Magento 2 store, you should create a new widget.

In the Widgets section you can configure the settings of the promotion message. Here you should select the type of widget and a theme of the design.

Widgets Settings, Type and Design Theme list boxes

Widget Title – fill in the name of widget title.

Widget Title field

Assign to Store Views - select which views of your store need to be assigned to a promotion message widget.

Assign to Store Views list box

Sort Order - type the sort order of widget instances in the same container.

Sort Order field

Display On - select where your promotion message widget will be displayed.

Display On dropdown list

Container - here you should select a container in which you want to show the promotion message.

Container dropdown list

Content Versions - select a content version of your promotion message.

Content Versions dropdown list

Widget for a success message

You are advised create a new widget for the Success message.

To do this, select the type of widget and a theme of the design.

Widgets Settings, Success Message, Type and Design Theme list boxes

Then type the name of widget title, select which views of your store needed to be assigned to a promotion message widget and type the sort order of widget instances in the same container.

Success Message: Widget Title field, Assign to Store Views list boxes, Sort Order field

After that, select where your promotion message widget will be displayed on and a container in which the promotion message widget will be shown.

Success Message: Display On and Container dropdown lists

Finally, select a content version of your promotional message.

Success Message: Content Versions dropdown list

That is all you actually need to make our promo manager work for you. Now you know how easy it is to create an HTML banner and banner advertising on your Web Store. Your special offer banner will motivate your customers and consequently increase the number, cost or weight of their purchases. It is good to know that such kind of promotional banners effectively attracts guests to your store!

In case you want to get some more detailed information about our easy banner maker - Promotion Message extension, here you will find specific use cases here:

How to create free shipping Promotion message in Magento 2?
How to set up Discount Promotion message in Magento 2?
How to set up Buy One Get One Free Promotion message in Magento 2?
How to create Free Gift Promotion Message in Magento 2?

If you have any questions you are welcome to contact our support team.